

Did you know? There are more than 190 countries in the world, 77 of which the mothers day is on the second Sunday of May. More than half of the world's population are celebrating this special event at the same day. And of course, Taiwan is one of them.



"Woman" can be intepreted in many forms! House wives/professional women/daughter in law, but most significant ones among them is "mother."

Sharp would like to take this opportunity by honoring all Moms for making contributions and the hard effort to the family.


On top of it, SHARP & SYNTREND is working together celebrating this special day by releasing a limited edition product, restaurant vouchers, gift cards and many other promotion.


  • 限量首賣時尚好禮 - 星鑽表馨情

夏普的頸掛式揚聲器Sharp Aquos Sound Partner(註一),於今年年初甫推出即在各大通路熱銷,愛用的族群不分男女老少,適合多種應用情境(註二),充份展現夏普設計此款產品的貼心與週到。


Limited Edition Product - Sharp Aquos Sound Partner

Sharp Aquos Sound Partner (Note 1), launched at the beginning of this year, is popular in all major channels. 


夏普於母親節這個重要的日子特別推出「專屬星鑽限定版Sound Partner」,選定玫瑰金與白色的產品,並首創採用國際知名品牌施華洛世奇水晶®,將熱銷的頸掛式揚聲器鑲上閃閃的水晶,一表對母親如繁星般滿滿的愛意與感謝之意。



By combining Swarovski Crystal® with Sharp Aquos Sound Partner, the hot-sellign neck speaker is the best gift to deliver the gratitude and love to all moms. 

The market price of limited edition is NT$6,990. During mothers day at SYNTREND SHARP flahship store, SHARP offers a special promotion price at NT$5,990. 



  1. 1. 享受同一個節目,一家三代同堂,長輩的耳朵可能不是太好,避免電視聲音過大吵到鄰居,長輩可掛上音伴與家人一同享受美好的家庭時光(藍牙傳輸器+音源線要與電視連接)
    Grandpa and grandmom can watch TV using sound partners and adjust volume accordingly to enjoy the best sound quality without  disturbing neighbors. (TV sound output to Bluetooth transmitter )


  1. 2. 小家庭夫妻,在兒女早早上床睡覺後,夫妻一人一支音伴,可運用藍牙傳輸器一對二的特性,不讓熟睡的兒女受打擾,小夫妻也可以輕鬆享受電影時光(藍牙傳輸器+音源線要與電視連接)
    bluetooth can be paried with 2 sound partners, Mom and Dad can enjoy movie night at home without disturbing other family members. 


  1. 3. 做家事時,連上電視節目或是手機音樂,走到那裡聽到那裡,音源不間斷
    stay connected with TV or mobile phone when doing housework
  2. 4. 運動健身爬山時,時尚頸掛耳機成為眾人焦點,輕量不造成身體負擔,且與外界不脫節,確保安全性。
    no extra weight burden when exercise or climbing, and keep in sync with real world sound to avoid danger.
  3. 5. 體積比入耳式耳機大但輕量,不會造成因體積太小易遺失的風險。
    The size is easy to carry and lightweighted, not easy to get lost compared with ear phone.
  4. 6. 搭配藍芽連接手機,輕鬆使用手機智能語音助理,撥打電話,詢問天氣,一鍵搞定.
    Paired with mobile phohe, activate voice command, making calls, ask for the weather with one button away.


  • 多項母親節精選優惠 可獲得5000元王品即享券和萬元家電好禮



  1. 1 HEALSiO水波爐送市價5,490的活髮吹風機,再加碼送王品即享券500
  2. 2 HEALSiO 0水鍋送王品即享券1000
  3. 3 買全新智慧溫控正負離子吹風機,送王品即享券500
  4. 4 買日本原裝觸控冰箱(能源效率第一級)隨貨即贈蚊取空氣清淨機
  5. 5 買衣物乾燥空氣清淨除濕機(能源效率第一級),即送王品即享券500
  6. 6 買自動除菌離子空氣清淨機,送王品即享券500元或1000元(依機種而定)



  • ¡´ 買日本原裝8K電視(60/70/80吋)即贈市價NT$16,990 AQUOS zero手機一支,加碼再送王品即享券5000
  • ¡´ AQUOS 4K指定機種,可享王品3000元即享券


凡於全省各大合作通路購買SHARP指定變頻空調,於2019/5/2起於夏普官網線上註冊或紙本回函成功者,最高可獲得30007-11商品卡(或虛擬卡) 還可再搭配政府節能補助最高3000元,另外於2019/4/30前購買者還可享有早春好禮21*好康,免費獲得千元家電好禮,並且享有全機7年的保固(註三) 想換家中冷氣空調的人,千萬別錯過這次優惠好康!




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